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Photos of the Senegambia Beach

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Senegambia Beach

Senegambia Beach,Kololi,Gambia
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

Hotel Features

Swimming Pool

The friendly Senegambia Beach Hotel is a firm favourite with all ages.
There's loads here to keep you happy all holiday.
Fancy a game of footie or would you rather feed the exotic birds in the beautiful gardens Relax on the sands of Kololi Beach or enjoy an evening show, it's up to you.
And the Senegambia is close to a tourist area, so you can easily check out the bars and restaurants there too.
So put your feet up, tuck into a slice of pizza from the pizzeria and admire the gorgeous sea views - perfect.Two swimming poolsSun terracesPool towels providedMain buffet restaurantPizzeriaPool barThatched beach bar with ocean-view terraceLobby barLounge barGuided bird walks around property and bird-feeding in the morningTwo tennis courts (floodlighting and coaching available)SquashVolleyballFootballTwo kids' poolsEnclosed terrace and entertainment areaFree Wi-Fi (selected areas)