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Photos of the Sirenis Cala Llonga Resort

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Sirenis Cala Llonga Resort

Sirenis Cala Llonga Resort,Cala Llonga,Ibiza
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

Hotel Features

The Sirenis Cala Llonga Resort has just made it into our SuneoClub range, so its rooms had a makeover in 2014.This hotel perches on the side of a steep hill, so the climb to the front door is rewarded with show-stealing views over the white-sand beach and pine forests.The pair of pools get top marks here – they overlook a sandy beach and have shallower areas for little ones.
There's a poolside snack bar, too.
And main meals are taken care of at the buffet restaurant, which dishes up around-the-world specialities.