your family holiday is protected

your family holiday is protected

Photos of the Maritimo

weather for Figueretas

your hotel


★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆

Hotel Features

Air Conditioning

:Maritimo Sport and Relax is located 50 m from a sandy beach.
The closest city to the hotel is Ibiza (1 km).
Located in Figueretas, the hotel offers 77 rooms and was renovated in 2016, air conditioning and an elevator are available.
To make your stay more comfortable a reception, a lounge and a lobby are available.
The staff in this 5 storey hotel speaks English and Spanish.
Mobility on holiday is simplified through bike and car hire.
Distance from the hotel to: Santa Gertrudis (12 km), Pacha (3 km), airport IBZ (6 km), Dalt Vila (1 km), disco (2 km) and Space (4 km).
The hotel is within easy reach of supermarkets, medical services, cinema, bus stops, bars and restaurants and taxi stands.
Amenities:For convenience the hotel offers ironing service, a safe and laundry service.
Internet access is provided at wifi-hotspots.
Reception hours: 24h Service.
Meals:The breakfast type is Buffet.
The hotel has one restaurant.
A snack bar is also available throughout the day.
Sport and Leisure:Activities such as table tennis and billiards are offered at the hotel.
Guests who wish to be active on holiday can enjoy activities such as exercise in the fitness room.
Golfers have the opportunity to play at the nearest golf course which is 9 km from the hotel.
Additional Information:Payment facilities include Euro/Master Card, American Express and Visa Card.
Additional fees may apply for certain facilities, amenities or activities.
Travel Between: Apr 01 2016 - Dec 31 2070 Last week, the Balearic authorities approved the new sustainable tourism tax.
The tax is applicable to both foreign visitors and locals who stay in tourist accommodation, and will contribute to the preservation of the islands.
It is payable by travellers at their accommodation.