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Photos of the Hotel Santos Ibiza Coast Suites

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Hotel Santos Ibiza Coast Suites

Hotel Santos Ibiza Coast Suites,Playa Den Bossa,Ibiza
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

Hotel Features

Air Conditioning
Fridge In Your Room
Swimming Pool

Facilities and services include restaurant, bar, lounge, swimming pool, wireless Internet access, parking, elevator and 24-hour reception.Apartments feature telephone, TV, safe, air conditioning, wireless Internet access, balcony, kitchenette, coffee/tea maker, fridge, hairdryer and bathroom.** Please note that some of the above facilities may be closed due to weather / seasonal conditions.Address: Calle Bruc 3, 07817 Playa den Bossa, Ibiza, Spain.airconditioning, elevator, bar, telephone, pool, safe, balcony, restaurant, tv