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Photos of the Azuline Mar Amantis

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Azuline Mar Amantis

Azuline Mar Amantis,San Antonio Bay,Ibiza
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆

Hotel Features

Swimming Pool

The popular Mar Amantis is situated in two blocks, separated by a road: guests can use the facilities in both.
Ideally located for relaxing on the beach and enjoying the nightlife of San Antonio Bay, it has basic, comfortable rooms and a choice of pools - a great option for a lively holiday.Free-form adult swimming pool at Mar Amantis IIRectangular adult pool at Mar Amantis ISun terraces and sunloungersLounge with satellite TV24-hr reception in Mar Amantis IIInternet accessWi-Fi (selected areas)Buffet restaurant (Mar Amantis I)Main barPool barPool tableVideo gamesFor children: Own circular pool at Mar Amantis I, section of pool at Mar Amantis II, playground, highchairs, cots